Sunshine Blogger Award

I have been awarded The Sunshine Award (Times Four)!!!!!

I am completely and utterly thankful from the bottom of my heart to the four fabulous bloggers that have nominated little ‘ol me for the Sunshine Award! The Bloggers that have awarded The Sunshine Award to me are: Sarah from My Imperfect Kitchen, Debi from Recipes For My Boys, Nel Marie from The PaperCup Kitchen and Stephanie from It’s Not Just About The Recipe! The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. Recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blog world.” I love to hear that I am thought of as inspiring to other bloggers!
Sarah from My Imperfect Kitchen

Sarah is a wonderful writer and incredible Food Blogger. Living in California, she has a conscious way about eating and food blogging. She loves to cook anything, but her favorite is creating desserts. I am lucky to have Sarah as my Foodie friend!

Debi from Recipes For My Boys

Debi is one of my BFF’s, Best Foodie Friend’s! Debi is an incredible mother of three precious boys. She makes family friendly recipes that her sons are so lucky to try and love! She is a huge animal lover and has a kind and gentle heart. She loves the same groovy music as I do and has a fabulous sense of humor, she makes me laugh on a daily basis!

Nel  from The Paper Cup Kitchen

Nel is one of the first bloggers that I met when starting my food blog, always loving and supportive. Nel refers to her Food Blog as, ” Everything related to things in and around the house of a busy Mama”, and she is one busy Mama! She and her hubs have two gorgeous children and are currently living in the UK. She started The Paper Cup Kitchen while living in Moscow, this was a wonderful outlet for Nel since she didn’t know many people then. She has made so many Foodie Friends through PCK. Her true love, besides her hubs, is cake baking and decorating. It took her a while to figure this out, but it was worth the wait, because Nel is a very talented baker and decorator!

Stephanie from It’s Not Just About A Recipe

Stephanie writes a very enjoyable and informative food blog. Stephanie enjoys cooking and baking and is not afraid of taking on a challenging, “Do It Yourself Project”. Stephanie prefers homeschooling her three children, one of which is still at home. In her blog, she comes through as an incredible teacher and as a talented and creative writer. Stephanie is actually taking a very needed vacation break from the food world, but you will see her again in August when she will have so much to teach us.

Please go visit my friends and fabulous foodie’s, you will be so happy you dd!

The Sunshine Award Rules!:

1) Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. (Thank you Sarah, Debi, Nel Marie and Stephanie!! )
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3) Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award!
4) Don’t forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!

Here are the questions and my answers:

1. Favorite color: White, is this really a color or is it color free? I don’t care, I love white!
2. Favorite animal: Labradoodle Puppy, I just melt when I see one!
3. Favorite number: Number 8, I am a Yogi and this number means infinity!
4. Favorite drink: In the am it would have to be coffee, Ice Tea in the afternoon, Cosmo in the Eve.
5. Facebook or Twitter: I am on both but I love Facebook, I still don’t get the whole Twitter thing!
6. Good Book or a Good Movie: I adore reading a great book, heavenly!
7. My Passion: Cooking, Baking, Dancing, Yoga, Teaching.
8. Giving or getting presents:I love giving gifts, I am always so excited to give a gift, the anticipation always gets me, I want them to open the gift A.S.A.P.!!!
9. Favorite day of the year: My Birthday! November 30th.
10. Favorite flowers: Peonies are my absolute favorite flower, they bloom once a year and last for about a week. I have planted many Peonies in my garden beds, and every year I am so excited to see them in full bloom!

Pass this on to 10 Bloggers. only 10??? Are you kidding me? Well the rules are the rules, jeez…This is almost too difficult since I love hundreds of foodie bloggers!

1. Terri from Chocolate for Breakfast
2.  Ally from Ally’s Kitchen
3. Tara from Tara Cooks
4. Lauren from Lauren Kelly Certified Nutritionist
5. Katrin from Running With The Devil Eggs
6. Tara from Della Rose Living
7. Lois from Walking On Sunshine
8. Dor from La Difference Catering
9. Christine from Food Thoughts Of A Chef Wannabe
10. Donna and Chad from The Slow Roasted Italian

There you go! Congratulations to my 10 chosen Food Bloggers for The Sunshine Award! I look forward to reading your posts! Nettie

Kreativ Blogger Award

I’m very excited to be the recipient of a Kreativ Blogger Award.  

I am so honored to be awarded The Kreative Blogger award by  Carrie at Carrie’s Experimental Kitchen, Melissa Placzek of Chin Deep and Nel of The Papercup Kitchen.I have been blogging since August 13, 2011. Today is my seven month Blogiversary!
Thanks so much to Carrie Palladino Farias of Carrie’s Experimental Kitchen, Melissa Placzek of Chin Deep, Nel Marie Rennison of The PaperCup Kitchen and Christine Simmerman (Pickles) of Food Thoughts Of A Wannabe Chef for nominating me. Be sure to check out Carrie’s, Melissa’s, Nel’s and Christine’s blog.  I met all four food bloggers on Facebook and immediately had a connection with all four of them. Even though we have never met in person, I feel like I have known them all for years. I am so inspired by these four incredible food bloggers. They have been food blogging for a lot longer than I and I learn so much from them everyday.
Being recognized as a Kreativ Blogger has opened up my exposure to new readers and followers.  I hope that those I nominate will embrace this opportunity and accept the challenge to share more about themselves as well as identify other blogs that they think stand out!
The guidelines for the award are:

  • list six blogs that the recipient thinks are outstanding and deserving of the award

  • share ten things that your readers may not know know about you

I have had lots of fun exploring other blogs.  And here are my nominations!

1. Hot Pink Apron
2.Sugar and Spikes- Badassery in Baking
3. Ex-soy-cise! My soy-free fitness journey
4. Miranda Skinner- Pampered Chef
5. Rock Star Dad
6.Jett2Whit Productions

As for the 10 things about me that my readers may not know, here you go:

  1. I grew up in Los Angeles.
  2. I love planning parties and having parties. I will make up any excuse to have a party!
  3. I have two beautiful children and three wonderful step children and an amazing husband.
  4. I wanted ten children when I met my husband ( after all our kids are married, I will have ten kids, be careful what you wish for!)
  5. I like to make simple recipes that don’t make a big mess in the kitchen, one pot wonders!
  6. I like to dream up recipes that involve lots of cheese.
  7. I was a vegetarian when I moved to the East Coast. ( 19 years ago, do you think I will ever change my ways?)
  8. I still dream of having a home on the ocean. ( I do have a bay view)
  9. I collect coats, shoes and glasses.
  10. I hoard food, especially now that I have my new pantry, if a disaster happens, you can always come to my home, we could probably live for another 5 years on what I have stocked away.

And there you have it: my 6 nominees and some little-known facts about this blogger.
Be sure to visit the blogs of my nominees.  Although all bloggers love traffic and new followers, it is the comments that keep us motivated to keep on plugging away.  So please leave comments when you visit.  Who knows, you could be the next nominee.
Thanks again to Carrie Palladino Farias of Carrie’s Experimental Kitchen , Melissa Placzek of Chin Deep, Nel Marie Rennison of The PaperCup Kitchen and Christine Simmerman of Food Thoughts Of A Wannabe Chef for nominating me as a Kreativ Blogger.   Please visit them! Nettie Moore

I have been awarded the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD

I  received the “One Lovely Blog” Award from Ally’s Kitchen. First off, I have to say that I am so honored that she chose me to give this award to. Ally was one of the very first bloggers who did a “shout out” about my blog to all of her thousands of followers announcing that she was doing an “Ally Rally” and that everyone should follow me, I- really- don’t- know- what- the- heck- I -am- doing- Moore- Or- Less- Cooking- Blog! I fell in love with Ally and  Ally’s photos, recipes and her irresistible love for food. I have also been awarded by Abby from Spoon. Manila Spoon is a wonderful blog with so many gorgeous recipes! I have just come to know Abby from Manila Spoon and am in awe by all the traveling she has done. She is a successful attorney who has put law on the back burner and has chosen to be a stay at home Mom and food blogger- lucky us! As part of this award I must share some things about myself and then pass on this award to five (5) bloggers, who must do the same. 
 Describe yourself in 7 words…
Happy, Outgoing, Loving, Generous, Protective,  Loyal, Adventurous ( I really like how I chose all positive words about myself, it didn’t specify, so I am not giving out the negative stuff!)
What keeps you up at night?
It used to have Menopausal Symptoms, but now that I had surgery last summer and am taking HR, I sleep like a baby.Usually just hubs snoring or us fighting over the covers keeps me up at night!
Who would you like to be?
There is a saying, “If everyone threw all of their problems in the middle of the circle, you would take your own back”. I gotta be me!!
What scares you
I try not to think about what scares me, I believe that if you project your thoughts you can make them happen, so I try to think positive happy thoughts. All of my years of yoga practice has helped me to work on this, it is a practice after all. I heard someone say, “Worrying is praying for something to come true”. I have to practice not to worry.
What are the best and worst things about blogging?
The Best things about blogging are:
Meeting so many wonderful people. I started blogging in August of 2011 and I have over 800 followers on Facebook and Twitter and My Blog Moore or Less Cooking. I would never have met all of these wonderful foodies if it weren’t for Blogging and Facebook. So, since I have so many foodie friends, I am inspired by their comments and reactions to what I have cooked or baked or created, I have photographed every step, I have written about my experiences and then I get to put it all together and let the world critique my every move and every word. Pretty cool huh? I think it is incredible. Why? Because almost every single follower or friend that I have is very supportive and positive with their feedback and comments. These aren’t friends and family, these are people that I have only met on Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and Stumblr and Google!
The Worst things about blogging are:  It really is time consuming. Why? Because it is so addictive….there are so many wonderful recipes that I am wanting to share and write about and discuss with all of my new friends and then I look at the clock and 3 hours have passed and I have only posted pictures, but not in the order I imagined, so now I need to go back and rearrange them and then another 3 hours has passed and then, oh no…..I haven’t even written about the recipe. Oh well, there is always tomorrow, got to go make dinner for my family!

What is the last website you looked at?
Six Sister’s Stuff
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it  be? That I were better at letting go, yes, I know this is difficult for me, but at my age, I try not to let things stress me out, I have to take care of myself, so that I am healthy to take care of my family.
Slankets, yes or no? What does this have to do with the price of beans in South America? Yes, I live in Maine for God sakes.
Tell us something  about the person who tagged you…     I met What’s for Dinner? Ally’s Kitchen on Facebook when I first started blogging. I was hesitant to open a public account on Facebook for Moore Or Less Cooking because I am a very private person. One day Ally started an” Ally Rally” to get all of her friends to like me on Facebook,she said,”Let’s get Nettie up to 100 fans.” Every single one of Ally’s followers had such wonderful things to say about Ally, I knew right away how generous and loving she was. Not only is Ally a famous Chef who has been on Master Chef and Gallo Commercials and is an actress and model and yogi, wife, mother and grandmother, she is a spectacular cook, baker and photographer with a positive upbeat personality that you just love talking to anytime. Here are some of What’s for Dinner ? Ally’s Kitchen’s accomplishments and Awards:

Gallo Family Winery Grand Prize Winner Family Recipe Contest

TASTE OF HOME Magazine November 2011
Featured on inside cover

LENOX 1-2-3 Recipe Contest 2011 Winner

Ocean Spray Grand Prize Winner 2011

The Five Bloggers that I am awarding this One Lovely Awardto are:

  1.  Hillary Baldwin Baking Bad
  2. Debi Rogers Recipes For My Boys
  3. Marcy Elkin Hausman ,Blog Of A Perimenopausal Woman…When I Remember
  4. Nel  The PaperCup Kitchen
  5. Deb Debz Delicious Meals
    This post has been  linked up to these wonderful blogs!

    Join Me on Tuesdays

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog award!!

The Criteria: The Liebster Blog Award is meant to showcase bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. This is all done in the spirit of pay-it-forward.

The Rules: You must mention and link to the person who awarded you the Liebster, and mention 5 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers you think worthy of the Liebster.

So, thank you to Debz Delicious Meals for giving me the Liebster Blog Award.

The 5 wonderful blogs that I think are more than worthy and I’m passing the Liebster on to:

1. Desserts in My Kitchen 

2. The Domestic Preservation Farmgirls

3. Foodin New England

4. Armstrong Family Fare

5. Hot Pink Apron

Happy Cooking Moore Or Less!!


The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award
I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award three times!
Lisa @ Lisa’sDinnertimeDish, Nel from The Papercup Kitchen and Lauren Kelly, The Certified Nutritionist are the three wonderful and talented bloggers who so graciously nominated me!

The Rules of this Award Are:

  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
  •  Share 7 things about yourself
  •  Send it along to 15 other Bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

Well shiver me timbers! What does shiver me timbers mean? Not sure, but I just felt like saying it! I am just so dang thrilled and excited for being given the Versatile Blogger Award! It’s my lucky Day! Twice!

Seven things you may or may not want to know about me: 

1. I’m a California girl, born and raised. I’m a Valley Girl, Like To- Tal- LEE, Fer Sure, Like Ra-dical. I now live in one of the most beautiful places on earth- MAINE- talk to me in the winter!

2. I met my famous artist husband on top of a mountain watching a sunset.

3. I’m an only child who always wanted a big family. I got that wish! I have lots of kids and grand kids!!

4. I am a Yoga Teacher for children, a Massage Therapist and a Medical Assistant.

5. I have always wanted to write a cookbook. I have been cooking ever since I could reach the toaster and have never stopped and have always loved creating a new dish. I don’t know why everybody isn’t as excited about every meal as I am.

6. I love to dance, anyplace, anytime.It soothes my soul!

7. I have an ear for languages and I can mimic almost anyone.

15 Bloggers that I am nominating this award to because I think they are amazing :
Chef In Disguise

From Cupcakes To Caviar

Mother Thyme

Mia’s Domain

Sunday At The Giacometti’s

That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Baking Bad

Farmhouse Favorites

The Baker Chick

Debz Delicious Meals

The Domestic Preservation Farmgirls

 Serious Food For The Soul

Sugar Bean Bakers

Chocolate, Chocolate And More Chocolate

 Spades and Spoons

Congratulations and happy cooking from MOORE OR LESS COOKING! Nettie